
Attack Computer Wiz

A Security & Technology Weblog

Aug 04

While building my first Domain Joined Windows 10 RTM system I discovered that the System Center Configuration Manager 2012 R2 client would not install. After reviewing the installation log, I discovered that the error code was "0x80070307". After a little research I discovered that this is due to SCCM trying to install the Windows Update Agent on the Windows 10 machine that is either already there or is older than the one on Windows 10 out of the box. The work around was simple, but it did not address Group Policy Deployments which, in the past, were not Operating System specific, rather they were just a blanket policy that covered everything.

The answer, copy my existing SCCM deployment GPO, modify the installation command, create WMI filters for the Operating Systems and apply the WMI filters to the GPO's.

Here is the step by step:

  1. In GPMC, navigate to "Group Policy Objects" and locate your SCCM deployment GPO.
  2. Right click your existing SCCM deployment GPO and choose "Copy".
  3. Move back up to the "Group Policy Objects" folder object and right click it, then chose "Paste".
  4. Find your "Copy of..." and rename it appropriately.
  5. Right click the new GPO and choose "Edit".
  6. Navigate to: "Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates ... > Classic Administrative Templates (ADM) > Configuration Manger 2012 > Configuration Manger 2012 Client > Configure Configuration Manger 2012 Client Deployment Settings.
  7. Under "Options", copy your existing string to notepad. It may look something like this: 

    1. CCMSetup.exe SMSSITECODE=**** FSP=****.net MP=****.net

  8. Modify your string so that is now looks like the below:

    1. CCMSetup.exe /skipprereq:windowsupdateagent30-x64.exe SMSSITECODE=**** FSP=****.net MP=****.net

  9. Close the editor.
  10. In GPMC, navigate to "WMI Filters".
  11. In the right pane, right click and choose "New".
  12. Name your WMI Filter "Windows 10 OS" and click the "Add" button.
  13. Leave the "Namespace" as it is (root\CIMv2).
  14. In the Query box type: 

    1. select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where Version like "10.%"

  15. Click "OK".
  16. In the right pane, right click and choose "New".
  17. Name your WMI Filter "Windows OS pre 10" and click the "Add" button.
  18. Leave the "Namespace" as it is (root\CIMv2).
  19. In the Query box type: 

    1. select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where Version like "6.%" or Version like "5.%" 

      *note: this will get Vista-8.1 and 2003-2012R2

  20. Click "OK", you should now see your two new WMI filters.
  21. Go back to "Group Policy Objects" and locate both your old and your new SCCM GPO's.
  22. Left click each GPO and on the very bottom of the "Scope" tab, choose your WMI filter for the appropriate Operating System, repeat for both GPO's.
  23. Lastly, assign your new Windows 10 GPO to the appropriate OU(s).
Next you can confirm that your WMI settings are working on each OS type:

  1. Shift+Right click CMD and chose "Run and Administrator"
  2. Type "gpupdate / force"
  3. Type "gpresult /z >> c:\temp\log.log
  4. Review the logs on each to make sure, they should look something like the below:

Now that you have confirmed that your new GPO with WMI filter is applied, simply reboot your Windows 10 computer and re-check your ccmsetup status.You should see "Configuration Manger" in control panel within a few second of your reboot. If not, review logs.


user Posted by Mike Wright

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