
Attack Computer Wiz

A Security & Technology Weblog

I have 400 passwords to access 400 websites and/or systems. You cannot find any of my passwords in any dictionary. When allowed, all of my passwords are at least 16 characters in length. Not a single one of my 400 passwords are the same. And all of my passwords look something like this “x6!bhGre4@hKe#OI” or this “1D5hSD1q5GLE&uTn”.

You may ask, how can I possibly remember any, much less 400 passwords that look like that jumbled mess? Easy answer, I don’t. I use software that creates the random password for me and saves my passwords in an encrypted secure file(s).

Common features of a password manager are:

  1. Strong security
  2. AutoFill forms and passwords
  3. Centrally store your passwords
  4. Generate random very complex passwords
  5. Store and encrypt your password files
  6. Integration with your operating system and web browser
Some popular Password Managers
           1Password (for Mac)
           RoboForm Free (up to 10 passwords)

I do recommend that you export a backup of your password files and store them in a safe secure location. If you are not comfortable using a password manager then please see part 2 of my “Your Password is Weak!” post.

user Posted by Mike Wright

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